
Is your stress don’t let you live ?

Stress Management

What is the purpose of Stress Management Counselling?

The purpose of Stress Management Counselling and Psychotherapy is not to eliminate stress from your life. This is impossible. Stress is a natural response to change, and change is inevitable. Having a certain amount of stress in your life is normal. However, cumulative stress that results from excessive exposure to hassles, responsibilities, daily pressures, concerns, worries, and anger threatens our health and happiness.

You may have never been taught how to take care of yourself in a positive and caring way. The skills of relaxation and focused concentration aren’t often taught in higher education curriculums, but they are vital to learning and being healthy and happy now and in your future.
The first step in dealing with stress is becoming aware of what stresses you and how your body reacts to it. Many of us have become experts at desensitizing ourselves or ignoring our bodies’ signals. The question you have to ask yourself is this: Am I ready to take responsibility for paying attention to my stressors and how stress manifests in my life? Taking this first step will enhance your quality of life right now.

Different types of Stress

Various types of stress
“Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are.”

Symptoms Of Stress

What are the symptoms of having Stress?

Live Stress Free!

With jinal sanghavi’s counselling & therapy
“When stress is at it’s highest, just know it can only go down.”